In case of display issue for the Google form below, you can use an alternative version by following this link:
Alternative customer satisfaction survey
Identity of the respondent Associated ELEMCA report reference
The ranking of the answers is between 1 and 5 : 1 being unsatisfaying and 5 very satisfaying.
How do you rate the responsiveness between your request and the receipt of our quotation ? 12345
How do you rate the adequacy between our proposal and your needs ? 12345
Do you consider the price consistent with the expertise proposed? 12345
What do you think of the follow-up during the technical realisation ? 12345
Was the delivery term satisfying ? 12345
Did our technical report answered your questions ? 12345
Would you recommend us ? YesNo
If so, do you have any contacts to recommend ? If not, can you explain us why ?
Do you have any comments ?